Femi Fani Kayode statement:
There can be little doubt that the relocation of the 19 igbo destitute from Lagos state a few months ago was a lawful exercise and that it was done in the interest of Lagos state. Consequently I do not believe that Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola ought to have tendered any form of apology whatsoever to the igbo for what he did. The only redeeming factor is the fact that the apology was obviously designed simply to calm frayed nerves and I commend Fashola for that gesture if nothing else. I say this because my understanding is that he apologised NOT for the deportation itself but for ''the misunderstanding that arose from it''. There is a world of difference between the two. I also commend him for admonishing the igbo to develop their own region and to decide whether they are ''igbo before they are Nigerians or Nigerians before they are igbo''.
This is a fundamental question that I believe that we must all determine in our hearts and minds whether we are of igbo, yoruba, hausa/fulani or ijaw stock or anything else. For the purposes of clarification the debate that has been raging in the land for the last two months, though sparked off by Fashola's relocations, was more about the curious claim that Lagos state was ''no man's land'' which the igbo jointly own with the yoruba and which they had developed, and are indeed still developing, with their money and nothing else. It was that assertion, and not the plight of a handful of igbo destitues, that many of us from west of the River Niger took issue with. Fashola and others have said publicly that it is ''absurd'' and ''insulting'' for anyone to call Lagos state ''no-man's land'' and that is good enough for me. As long as he did not apologise for saying that I have no problem with whatever he may or may not have said about the deportations even though, had I been governor, I would have handled it differently. The truth is that the yoruba way is to apologize not only when you are wrong but also when you are right if you believe that the other party has been badly hurt by your actions. It is a generous and kind disposition which is borne out of the yoruba concept of the ''omoluwabi spirit''- a good heart and a clean spirit that desires, above all else, peace, joy and harmony. Yet to those from outside yorubaland that do not share that disposition, that do not understand that spirit and that cannot even begin to comprehend it, an apology is nothing less than an admission of guilt and wrong- doing and a trophy of triumph to those whom it is offered. It is for this reason that I believe that it was wrong for Fashola to apologise and that it is important for us to consider the long term implications of what he has done. The truth is that in life perception counts for everything. And rightly or wrongly the perception that most people have, particularly amongst the igbo, is that Fashola has indeed apologised for the deportations. This perception is supported by misleading newspaper headlines which were drafted and written by journalists who did not bother to read the text or properly decipher the statement. Whether anyone likes it or not this latest development is viewed as a great triumph for the hardline igbo nationalists and the Governor Peter Obi's of this world who honestly believe that the igbo have some kind of special rights or special status in Lagos and indeed in yorubaland. They say and do things in Lagos and other parts of the west that they dare not do in the north and that they will never allow our people to do in the east.
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